
In discussing films, there might be spoilers. Sorry!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Who would you want in your Life Boat? Contest

Comment and tell me who you would want in your lifeboat and why and win a chance at the Complete First Season of Third Rock from the Sun. Winner will be chosen by drawing. You may enter only once. Posts must be received before I wake on Thursday, August 18th.

Add a follow to the blog and have a chance to win a surprise!


  1. Hmmmm.... am I only allowed to pick ONE person to be in the lifeboat with me? And actors/actresses only? ie: No directors? No one not in the film business? Alive only? Or dead in real life is okay as long as they are alive in the boat? {I definitely do not want any dead bodies with me. Not even if I'm starving.} People, not characters they played? People, not animals? What about aliens like E.T.? Obviously, someone who will put up with my endless babbling and questions. Oh, we have through August 17th! I'll come back to find out the answers to these questions and anything else you might want to specify since I apparently need detailed instructions to answer what should be a simple question. If forced to, I will, but that would be at your peril. ;-P

  2. It can be anyone you think will get you to that island, give you shelter, find the water ... and give anything you might need!! :)

  3. Well, this is a no-brainer! Johnny Depp, of course! Johnny in any of his movie incarnations would be lovely, but seeing as we're hitting an island I'd prefer him as Capt. Jack Sparrow. Why Captain Sparrow? He's gorgeous, intelligent, funny, beyond sexy, and he knows how to get off an island by riding on two sea turtles. Johnny, a case of great rum, enough sunscreen for naked bodies...equals a total tropical paradise package!

  4. Uhm Viggo Mortensen him and Don Johnson they'd keep us all safe ;-)

  5. Kathy? You get two? Wait. I got three so I can't complain!!

  6. MacGyver. Hands down. (I may be dating myself here, but personally, I think if you want to survive on an island you want the guy that can make a bomb from bubble gum, swamp water and bamboo.)

  7. Hey, Jax! I'd love to win this prize. I'd either like to have Arthur there, or Buffy Summers. Buffy seems like she'd be very resourceful as far as living off the land, as well as able to watch my back.

  8. I however ... thinking ... um ... might ... be able to see other uses for Authur passed Buffy!?

    I'm so tired I don't even know what I am saying!!


  9. Well, yeah,I have certain naughty motivations for Arthur. Buffy, not so much. They're both awesome, though.

  10. Okay, both Sawyer and Sayid from Lost {they not only have good surviving-on-an-island skills, I bet either one would be great for....um... other "necessities"} Oh, and Jin from Lost because he's a great fisherman.

  11. Michelle, so right. MacGyver for the win, all the way!

  12. Okay, so I was thinking Actor, but if I could choose a REAL person? My husband mentioned it and he's SO right: Les Stroud from Survivorman. Hands down. He's awesome. If you've never seen the show, you should. EVERYONE should watch Survivorman.

  13. Honestly, my first thought is Dean Winchester from the tv show supernatural. I mean, he pulled a nail from the floorboard (with his fingers!) and used it to pick the locks on his handcuffs. Now there's a survivor. Plus he's totally hot...and we'd be stranded on an island...you get the pic. ;)

  14. Hmm..I think Buffy would be good in terms of resourcefulness, etc as well...or Spike (from Buffy) I bet he could get creative in a few ways ;)

  15. Catherine, you do realize Buffy is matching MacCvyer -- and I bet I am *still* spelling that wrong!!

  16. Clearly the only practical answer is McGyver. He could whip together a helicopter out of palm fronds and rubber bands. I was going to say the Professor from Gilligan's Island, but although he could make cars and radios out of coconuts, he couldn't manage to fix a hole in a boat. Plus McGyver will develop all those alien connections. A stargate might come in handy.

  17. I was going to go with a celebrity but as I was thinking on whom I should pick, I started to read the replies that were left prior.

    "It can be anyone you think will get you to that island, give you shelter, find the water ... and give anything you might need!! :)"

    Suddenly, I knew exactly who I wanted there. In 8 months it will be the 10 year anniversary of the murder of my best friend Liz. This is not meant to be sad, it’s just what came to mind. Liz was taken from us way too early, never even being able to share in one of our national passages "going out for her 21st birthday." (Missing it by only a month) But in the six years I knew her, she always put others before herself. I'm not going to ramble on about the countless selfless acts she did in her short life, but I will say that she touched many people as a peer council, friend, sister and daughter and still continues to touch many more even after her death.

    I remember the first meal she made me. It was a grilled cheese sandwich; my favorite. Even at the age of 14, she paid attention to the details in her friend's lives and even asked me what type of bread I liked, how many pieces of cheese I liked in the sandwich and if I liked the crust on or off. At the time, I probably thought she was weird for asking me so many questions. I mean, it was just a cheese sandwich. Another time we went to our first Sadie’s Hawkins dance together as friends, and she ended up being asked to dance by another guy. She came to me and asked if it was okay. And when she started dating him, she wanted to help me find someone to date so we could all go out together. We would stay up like school girls talking on the phone or online chatting into the night both knowing we had to get up early the next day for school. And our senior year I had the opportunity to escort the most beautiful young woman in my life to our homecoming dance. And though after graduation, she moved away to follow one of your dreams of traveling the world, you would always flight home every couple of months to not only visit your family but to see me.

    So when I think of who would give me shelter, or find me water... will give me anything I might need, I think of my Lizzie. You were my friend, my lover and will always hold a special place in my heart.
