
In discussing films, there might be spoilers. Sorry!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Five Fans and I Type ...

I seriously cannot believe this is turning into a competition!! However, tell me which one you want HERE and I will start typing again instead of pacing and avoiding. Because really -- it's a blog. About movies. And I think it's fun, or I thought it was fun. I thought it was a whole hell of a lot of fun. But ... really ... I promise you ... it's a blog. About movies. No world peace. No cure for cancer. Won't be feeding the worlds hungry from here.

Blog. Movies. Get it?

Good. Please leave your comments and I will see what I can do, but I am on vacation in two days where I plan on thinking of nothing but warm sun, cool water, my husband of twenty seven years -- our anniversary -- and a bunch of Pina Coladas.


  1. I vote for Levitt, as you might imagine; but it's your blog, so no hateration from me either way! Hope you have a great vacation.

  2. well gotta even it out and say REEDUS:P

  3. have a great vacation and enjoy the sun and pina coladas!!!

  4. Well, okay ... we are off to a great start. EVEN!! You really are trying to drive me nuts, huh? LOLOL

    And thanks ... I will try to relax and have fun. Oh, it will be hard, but ...

  5. I'll vote for Levitt. Enjoy your anniversary trip!

  6. i say dude who's not Levitt! and hot.

  7. I don't know either actor :( so I give each one 1/2 vote lol, that will count as 1 whole but I don't know either one so I am neutral lol. Hugggggsss Jacqui have a great vacation :)
