Disney Production, 2002
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jim Hawkins in this animated version of the Robert Lewis Stevenson Classic
Okay, so maybe it isn't the most sophisticated place to start reviewing Mr. Gordon-Levitt's movies, but it does have the most meaning for my family what with "Treasure Island", being my oldest daughters all time favorite book. We really enjoyed the film as a family.
And man, it was just a whole lot of fun to watch.
But so what? This movie has been done but it was never done like this. With much visual excitement. With the unbelievable -- galleons in space -- presented in a way that actually worked. The villains, as in true Disney fashion, were portrayed by creepy crawly creatures, were creepy enough to keep even the adult son the edge of their chair.
Joseph Gordon Levitt, resembling his animated self -- well it is harder to evaluate a
performance just on voice: "Wow, he sounded great!!" But I can say, from the moment he screeched across the barrier into the bad area, cops right on his tail, there was no doubt who we were watching. And he did make a really, really great Jim Hawkins!
And the supporting cast such as Martin Short as Ben -- Perfect!! '"Was I dancing with an android named Lupe?" :)
I LOVED Treasure Planet. Glad you mentioned this one.