No matter who I follow in their career, Boondock Saints will always pop back up. Still favorite movie with best characters.
This message, however, didn't come from me. I found it. Can't remember if it was Twitter or Facebook, but I loved it just the same. If I had sent out cards this year, this soooo would have been the one to go, though I do wonder how a few of my relatives might have received it!! LOL
Merry Christmas Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukkah ... or what you follow. Just have a rockin' time!!
Stars: Lynn Collins, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Assumpta Serna
Uncertainty isn’t a movie quite like any others. It doesn’t follow the same path with the same feel, wasn't filmed the same with sets and lighting as a block buster. Filmed on location in New York, a portion with hand held cameras, it felt more like real life. And though it might not have been as exciting as I would have hoped -- and yes I do have to be honest and admit, as a writer, there were some plot flaws that might have needed fixing before release --I still found it to be an enjoyable time with phenomenal acting and a concept of two parallel decisions moving side by side in one reality.
There is Kate and Bobby, a not-out-of-the-ordinary couple facing life altering decisions.With the flip of the coin and a jaunt down Brooklyn Bridge, Bobby runs right, Kate runs left, each one finding a different Fourth of July that they share together.In one world, it is ordinary with family and friends while in the other there is murder, mystery while the young couple is yanked into something they can’t understand and have trouble being a part of.
Says Joesph Gordon-Levitt: “The movie was improvised in dialogue and in emotion and in the kind of the moments of the scenes, but the structure, the scenes and the story and the plot was all very precisely thought through beforehand so I think you get a nice blend, because a lot of improv movies feel less like a story and more like real life.”
Was the movie as much of a thriller as promised? I love watching Mr. Levitt's films, but this one, it wasn't as good as I hoped. Mr. Levitt's performance, the whole casts job, was done beautifully and lived up to what I expected. It was the writing that had the flaw with too many decisions that made no sense and led to no where. Why would a man who works with computers not realize that when hiding in plain site, using his credit card could get him found? And the ending in the yellow world didn’t make as much sense to me as the ending in the green world. Murdering bad guys don't stop the chase just because you decide not to play and toss away their toy. The story in the yellow world would have to go on in order to find a believable solution. The energy of the two worlds we watched, the dramas that played out, they were not equal and needed the right amount of time for their own sake to finish to an acceptable conclusion.
Did I enjoy it ... yeah ... I did. And I would watch it again just for the sake of seeing it all over again.
Trying to figure out what movie to watch tonight as we have two in the house, Uncertainty and Manic. Husband decided after reading back of Uncertainty box, there is only one way to decide. He whips out a coin and flips. Heads Uncertainly/Tails Manic.
I called tails -- um -- I always call tails. Just FYI
We're watching Uncertainty and anyone who knows the movie or in a week or so, after I talk about it here, you will understand a coin toss is the whole premise of the film!!
Paparazzi -- educated and brilliant in their craft:
"who directed that?"
JGL: "Fellini".
You're famous, you see a photographer shooting photos at you and what is this in your hand -- a camera of your own -- and you are just in the mood to screw with them -- so ...
Click on link and enjoy ... :)
This clip might not show a hell of a lot about the characters and acting performances, but I think it shows a pretty cool guy having a lot of fun with the people he might want to turn the tables on. :)
Whereas it was necessary when following the movies of Norman Reedus to refer back again and again to Boondock Saints, I think it will be the same with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, only in his case, we will be referring to 3rd Rock from the Sun. Besides the fact that it established him as a presence in Hollywood that needed to be followed, it also is just one of the most hysterical shows I have ever seen. Not a huge fan when it first came out in 1996, I am watching it now with back to back episodes , laughing my ass off with each and every one. I do not think there has ever been as great over-actor than John Lithgow.
For those of you who don't know the show was pretty simple in concept: four aliens from a superior race come to earth, take on human forms and study our life styles and daily existence. There is Dick, the high commander; Tommy the information specialist; Sally, warrior and Harry -- who we don't really know why is there at first except to get into trouble in funny, funny ways. Tom, Dick and Harry and Sally all stuck in Ohio. It was defiantly a show, like Boondock Saints, in regards to nailing script with characters, with dialogue, with actors, director and every other aspect that goes into a perfect mesh that comes across the screen in every episode I have seen so far. Change one aspect and the entire show would have been different and we would have been all the sadder for it.
It made me a little uncomfortable at first when I kept thinking how cute Tommy was, how great he delivered his lines and then remembering he is fourteen in the show and if I think a fourteen year old kid is cute, professional help might be necessary. But then I realized the actor might be fourteen but he is portraying the oldest member on the team, the adult among all the adults. The delivery of the lines is a testament to an actor, still young and learning his craft, but still able to nail the character he is portraying: an old man interested in learning the habits or earth, especially girls and sex.
One of my favorite exchanges:
Coach Strickland: Solomon, climb the rope!
Tommy Solomon: What's at the top of the rope?
Coach Strickland: Your self-esteem.
Tommy Solomon: My self-esteem?
Coach Strickland: Now climb the rope or you get to go sit with the girls.
Tommy Solomon: So if I don't climb the rope, I get to go sit with the girls? You're going to have to help me out here, I'm failing to see the downside.”
Bottom photo: French Stewart as Harry with JGL as Tommy
Still working ten to twelve hour days right now and have been since last -- I don't -- what day is it? Hope to be done by the end of this weekend and "caught up" because "caught up" is always possible. Yeah. Right. Ah huh. :)
So I haven't started the movies yet, but I have started the research and is there anything sexier than a grown man talking about how he loved "Dumbo" -- with a full description of his favorite scene? :)
Have returned home from both the Rally to Restore Sanity and the Rally to Keep Fear Alive. After the diversion to JFK from Philllie on the way to Phoenix and that many hours on the tarmack waiting to take off -- at one point -- I think they planned to drive the plane home -- I am not sure if my sanity is restored or my fear is still intact. Will have to check back.
Do know that I did meet with about 215,000 of my closestfriends and we had a great time. Also saw some coolthings in both DC and Phillie -- including Ben Franklin's grave and the place where my parents had me lay down when I was nine to see who was taller, me or Ben. Pretty fantastic trip and my daughter states that besides Jon Stewart and Stephen Cobert, sitting in the same pew George Washington sat in for church was one of the coolest things we did. We ever removed the pad so we could sit on the gorgeous bare wood.
Amazing trip!! Back to JGL when I wake up as I do plan on sleeping for the week.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jim Hawkins in this animated version of the Robert Lewis Stevenson Classic
Okay, so maybe it isn't the most sophisticated place to start reviewing Mr. Gordon-Levitt's movies, but it does have the most meaning for my family what with "Treasure Island", being my oldest daughters all time favorite book. We really enjoyed the film as a family.
And man, it was just a whole lot of fun to watch.
I did read a review on this movie, by high ranking reviewers’ type personnel, claiming that the existence of this movie is unnecessary. That the story had been done enough times -- The Muppets had done it in 1996 with Kermit playing an amazing Captain Smollet, but then Kermit usually nails whatever role he plays (I am a long fan and read his biography last year, though I did hear it was ghost written).
But so what? This movie has been done but it was never done like this. With much visual excitement. With the unbelievable -- galleons in space -- presented in a way that actually worked. The villains, as in true Disney fashion, were portrayed by creepy crawly creatures, were creepy enough to keep even the adult son the edge of their chair.
Joseph Gordon Levitt, resembling his animated self -- well it is harder to evaluate a
performance just on voice: "Wow, he sounded great!!" But I can say, from the moment he screeched across the barrier into the bad area, cops right on his tail, there was no doubt who we were watching. And he did make a really, really great Jim Hawkins!
And the supporting cast such as Martin Short as Ben -- Perfect!! '"Was I dancing with an android named Lupe?" :)
Couple years ago I had to wear an eye patch for three days. Kids renamed me 'Cap'ain One Eyed Jax' and the pirate jokes abounded. I innocently asked my son to mop the kitchen and he altered personalities in a heart beat, "We don't mop floors" he said his blackbeard accent, "wesa swab zee decks ..."
Wearing a eye patch has nothing on wearing a full arm cast. For one thing, did you know how much more chocolate you have to eat when you have a full arm cast to ease the pain of wearing an arm cast?
Man, have you ever noticed how hard it is to put on your bra when you can only use one arm?
Opening Gatorade? You wear half, but that is okay, you still have half to drink. And you don"t need the drink for your walks as you can't walk -- the passion of your life -- since you can't tie your shoes.
It's been eight weeks now and heading toward the end mark ... though not quite as sure as I refuse to go back and have it checked out. But hey, when they wanted me to come back they mentioned needles, surgery and recovery time so I will go with my choice of "wait and see for six months" and then decide. In the mean time, full cast at night, brace during the day and being back when I type. Cuz when you type with a cast, it's even worse then the cat running across the keyboard!!
And let's introduce our next guest. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Just shy of thirty years old with just about as many movie credits, if you don't count the 133 episodes of Third Rock. I think we will be together for four or five months depending on how life behaves.
Nathan Fillion, world famous Tweeter,
Tweeted this -- did I get those tenses right? He said last week:
"Inception. All I'm gonna say is: Hotel hallway. That's a long way from 3rd Rock from the Sun. Nice."
Sorta had to say I felt the exact same way.
In one movie, the character Arthur went from "Whao-kid in Third Rock" to "Okay, you can watch my back."
Because anyone’s back that Arthur was watching would be totally safe.
I have always had this joke question I ask people: Who would you want in your Life Boat, after the boat sank? I asked it once and everyone answered me about who they would have sex with while on the island, while I was going for "Really? How about getting to the island, finding shelter, water ... you know ... those little pesky things like Keeping Me Alive?"
I always have had two choices for my Life Boat: Tony DiNozzo from "NCIS" and Sam Axe from "Burn Notice." Either one of those men would never give up until everyone was safe. And then I met Arthur. Man, put Arthur in my boat ... cuz asleep or awake, coma or not, he was never going to let anything happen to you.
I am looking forward to getting to know your work better.
It's time to move on. I am closing Mr. Reedus out.
Which is sorta sad as I really enjoyed watching Mr. Reedus in so many parts -- I think "Beat" was my favorite -- well -- if you don't count Murphy and I wasn't watching him to study for character development. If I set out at the beginning to see an actor move from role to role, making each one unique and individual than I did start out with the right actor as Mr. Reedus did teach me a lot about fictional people and imaginary friends ;)
Fiction writers -- we have a lot of imaginary friends and they hang out for a long, long time with us. From page one of the novel to "The End." And man, if they have developed themselves in our minds right, they never stop talking!! ;)
On a personal note, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Reedus this past weekend in Los Angeles and I can honestly say that not only is he an amazing actor to watch and study, but he is truly a nice man, too. He was nice to me and more important, nice to my daughter -- which a Mom always appreciates.
So, thank you Mr.Reedus for putting up with me, my questions and my presence as I worked my way through your catalog. You taught me a lot -- about how to give my characters more depth, as well as how to share a smile and make someone feel conformable.
Since we have been following the career and movies of an actor who helped the Boondock Saints come to life, this drawing stood out with me this last weekend when I met a rather young, but amazingly talented new artist who rendered this drawing of the famous shoot out scene in The Boondock Saints.
She was even given assistance by two of the three portrayed on how to make it just perfect.
And then, when done, all three autographed it, making her day -- week -- undisclosed length of time. :)
Excellent job ....
Portrayed in the drawing left to right: Sean Patrick Flanery, David Della Rocco and Norman Reedus.
It has been one hell of a run the last month or so. You can tell by the date of the last blog entry -- not to mention the fact the house is a wreck, we eat take out. There are no clean clothes right now and I do have to get back to work. Fourth Sword still needs editing and Silent Echos -- also known as "Davis" needs writing. Was thinking I might pull up that short I had been working on and finish that, too.
But alas, until this **fabulous** weekend in LA, hanging out with family and new "friends" that were sooo cool -- I feel wonderful -- beyond wonderful ... I soooo needed it ... and now I can get back to everything I am supposed to be doing while still dealing with everything that keeps showing up.
And I learned that when you are at a Horror Convention, you can still get your walk in if you do laps around the vendors and go by time on your watch and not just with distance and your iPod play list. Just make sure you wear your glasses so you don't run - literally - into anyone important. :)
The cartoon ... that's actually not a cat. That's a photograph of me and what I have looked like and felt like for the last four plus weeks.
Three more Reedus reviews and then I really do move on ...
I don't think I had passed the fifth grade when it aired. I do remember my dad loved it and never missed it. And I did read yesterday that Jack Lord, who died in 1998, was considered "ruggedly handsome and irresistible ..." Okay -- I will give that to the late 1960's and early 1970 and keep my own opinion of those terms. I think we grow Hollywood stars a little different now because in reality, should the terrorists be that much hotter than the cops?
Not that cops were bad, of course.
I had never seen any of the work of Alex O'Loughlin (McGarrett) before so I was
able to enjoy him with fresh eyes and I did like his performance as well as his banter with Scott Caan (Dano). Caan I have seen in several movies including all the "Ocean"'s as well as "American Outlaws". Enjoyed all. I have seen "Lost." I have seen "Battlestar", so Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park were easy to place. Great jobs.
The show itself, not bad. not the best, but not bad either. I enjoyed it. We did sorta think, with all the mentions of Dano's daughter, that Victor would be heading that way and was surprised when he didn't. The car -- hotter than the terrorist --and that isn't easy to do when your terrorist are formerly and forever Murphy and Spike ... that standing alone is way up on any scale. But I have a thing for muscle cars as most people who know me know and that one rocked. Would have done better going up the conveniently placed ramp to go onto the boat than the squad car.
I do have one question ... "Champ" ... what if the dad had kept a Craftsman’s toolbox?
That conversation might have gone different. :)
And for the obvious and the people gathered around here -- I loved Mr. Reedus' performance as Anton Hesse. I agree, not enough time, lines or anything to satisfy but enough to want more. Really wish he had been the last brother standing as they left a mystery as to whether Victor survived and Anton, he was pretty much a done deal. Needed more Reedus and his name was high up on the credits as they went by. Lucky for me, husband did forget the cookies so evil and dead did not earn five Oreos and I will have to owe the scoreboard.
The "answer the phone, you don't talk to your father enough ..." line was chilling and the
look superior and controlling.
But when Anton said the simple “Boom" in that soft, steady, in total control way -- I got shivers. Okay, I admit it. I loved it.
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Twilight Zone". ~Rod Serling
Do not change your channel!! I will be gone for a week but will be back soon to finish the last two Norman Reedus films before moving on to Joesph Gordon Levitt. If you have more Reedus you want reviewed before I finish out, let me know before I get back!! We -- me -- just need a little vacation from life and will be basking with friends in San Fransisco!! Ahhh ... I love San Fran. My favorite city in the whole wide world!!
Starring Courtney Love, Kiefer Sutherland, Ron Livingston and Norman Reedus
Directed by: Gary Walkow
Written by: Gary Walkow
“Beat”, the based on a true story of people trying to find their way, looking to one another for direction and seeing one man as the center of everything they seek. Male or female, the crowd who became the original Beatniks were drawn to Lucien Carr’s charisma, his ability to bring people together even when he didn’t always know the answers himself.
After serving two years for the murder of his would be attacker, Lucien Carr, along with his good friend, Alan Ginsberg, travel to Mexico to visit their long time friend, William Burroughs. Only Burroughs has already left by the time they arrive for a side trip with his newest boy toy.
Alone, miserable with no hope and no way out, Burroughs wife, Joan, entertains their friends and eventually agrees to a road trip of their own, just the three of them. The sexual tension between Carr and Joan sizzles in every scene. Both wanting one goal, while knowing their paths will never be the same no matter how much they talk and fantasize and pretend. One night of intimacy together and they head home and Carr and Ginsberg return to New York, reluctantly leaving Joan even though they begged her to come. Her answer was always the same: “I can’t leave Bill."
On Bill’s return, a gun fanatic and while drunk, he fatally shoots Joan in the head and Lucien, who cared so deeply for her, even if he couldn’t commit to her, learns when the announcement comes over the wire while he is at work at the United Press.
Courtney Love as Joan – beautiful. I saw her in a light I have never seen before, giving a fantastic performance that radiated with depth and emotion. It was truly a masterpiece.
Keifer Sutherloang speaking in the same dialect as the real Burroughs, he was more lost than leader but held his position where he wanted it.
Ron Livingston as Allan Ginsberg almost the glue that held everyone together. Even though he himself was in love with Lucien, he knew to not seek out a relationship that would never be welcome. He was the reason behind their voices and ideas.
Norman Reedus as Lucien Carr – and have checked out the life of the real Lucien Carr – he really was a great, great man who I truly admired. Lucien Carr succeeded in life, as well in writing, seemingly without trying. People were drawn to him, as in the movie: wanted to talk to him, be with him, have him a member if their life. They wanted to sleep with him and have his essence become part of them. Reedus’ performance as Carr was one of his best. Sexy, a believer who wanted something even he could not identify.
Lucien Carr was the back bone behind The Beatnik movement.
This was a power film, full of sexual tension with almost half its scenes, with escape right on the horizon but so far away, no one was going to win. And in the end, that is what really happened – they remained friends even after Joan’s death, while they all still remembered what they created
Said William Burroughs later in life: “I am forced to the appalling conclusion that I would never have become a writer but for Joan's death. I had no choice but to write my way out.”